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where no child or family fights alone

Our mission at One Ribbon United is to bring peer support, financial, and spiritual relief to families experiencing Childhood Cancer.

What's The Latest At ORU

Today is International Childhood Cancer Day. It is our hope to spread awareness about this terrible disease that takes over 100,00 children’s lives globally a year. Below we will be sharing a few statistics about childhood cancer. We must raise awareness and show that childhood cancer is not rare and needs the funding it deserves to further research in providing safer treatments for children battling cancer.



In the United States, it is estimated that 15,780 children are diagnosed with cancer each year.


Globally more than 400,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer each year.


The most common childhood cancers are: Leukemia, Brain and spinal cord tumors, Neuroblastoma, Wilms Tumor, Lymphoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Retinoblastoma, Osteosarcoma, and Ewing Sarcoma.


Cancer is the number 1 cause of death in children in the US.


95% of childhood cancer survivors experience significant side effects from the treatment they received by the time they turn 45.

Currently, childhood cancer only receives 4% of federal funding for research.


Children who received treatment for childhood cancer are 15% more likely to suffer congestive heart failure later in their life.


The most current standard treatments for childhood cancer were approved over 32 years ago.


1 in 6 kids with cancer do not survive.


In the past 30 years, there have been only 7 drugs approved by the FDA to treat childhood cancer while in the same time frame over 200 drugs have been approved for adults.


Every 80 seconds a child is diagnosed with cancer globally.

"Welcome to our 501c3 non-profit supporting families in the St. Louis Metro Area affected by childhood cancer. We offer vital resources and emotional support to help navigate this challenging journey."

One Ribbon United does not discriminate and supports everyone affected by childhood cancer, regardless of race, color, religion, gender or age. Our mission is to provide compassionate assistance to those navigating this challenging journey.

© 2022 One Ribbon United - All Rights Reserved

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